BIOLOGY A member of the cod family, blue ling is a long, slender-bodied fish. It inhabits depths from 150 m to 1000 m, but is most commonly found between 350 m and 500 m. In common with most deep-water species it is relatively slow growing, maturing at 8 to 11 years old and about 65 cm for males and 85 cm for females. Blue ling can attain a length of 1.5 m, a weight of 30 kg, and may live for 20-30 years. Little is known about its early life history. Spawning takes place in April to May. ADVICE Blue ling, a deep-water species, is long-lived, slow growing and late to mature, characteristics which make it particularly vulnerable to overexploitation. Stock status is uncertain - but all indications are that stocks are depleted / overfished. ICES advises that there should be no directed fisheries for blue ling and that closed areas should be introduced to protect spawning aggregations and minimize catches in mixed fisheries. Avoid eating.

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2009 Nautika Perikanan Laut